Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Receipt 2009_06_08 Maxi Ferreteria

Hi Guys - Gerardo charged off all of the pending receipts at Maxi Ferreteria for the month of May. The charge was for all the materials used in making the concrete posts - metal rebar, cement, wire, metal plates, water pvc tubes to bring water to the site, electric wire to power the cement mixer, etc.

The total charge was for 2,459,410 colones which is approximately $4,300. Maxi was unable to get the total amount on your card, so they processed the charge in two amounts of 2,000,000 colones and then 459,410 colones.

There was one bill in the mix for metal support posts which we bought from Maxi because EPA did not have the correct thickness. This bill was for $1,354. So the total spent on the materials for the concrete post project were about $3,000.

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